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no bias.
by karen glass
​art installation & reception

artwork sale - refreshments & appetizers - $50 per person - ticket includes one free raffle ticket -

raffle tickets will be on sale 


Saturday, October 12th. 6:00pm to 8:00pm.

Located at The LGBT Center of Greater Reading.

640 Centre Ave, Reading, PA 19601.




an invitation from the artist to look and explore:


glass has come to know, through both her artistic and spiritual work, that relationship is the path to self-awareness, no bias (2023) is a conceptual fashion installation that invites one to journey into relationship with its story from canvas to canvas, taking time to read and reflect on the intention and detailing of each canvas, to explore the completed apparel pieces that came out of the studio in atlana (2015-2020) with the same intention of acknowledging the progression of letting go of old ways of doing that bind us and of the contrasts within ourselves and others that perpetually keep us conflicted in the ways we express ourselves. if you are inclinded to spend time with this work, it is the artist's hope that you will see yourself with, and in others. you will see contrast, conflict, bits of micro violences with tenderness and sighs, narcissism followed by stoicism, you will see resolution and closure as a continuum of knowing that we have and will continue to bind, define and shape in efforts to contain. perhaps you will walk away from no bias with the feeling of acceptance of knowing we are constantly changing and evolving. and perhaps you will walk away with the feeling that you have seen some beautiful bits and pieces of expressive textile artifacts that have been repurposed to tell a story that spans decades. all in a process of zerowaste glass has not used letter case in 13 years since she committed to a zerowaste life.
















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