Support/Social Groups
We offer a wide variety of special groups and events to support LGBTQ+ community members, their families, and other allies. Our regular programs and groups are listed below, but we are proud to offer a wide range of supportive, safe, fun, and unique events for the entire community.
Visit our Events page and Facebook Events page for an up-to-date listing and details on the groups listed below. For more details or if you have questions, email Laura at
LGBT Center of Greater Reading Programs/Groups
Support Groups for Ages 12-18 (if still in school)
VOICES Reading:
(Vision, Opportunity, Inclusivity, Communication, Education, and Support Group): Educational/support & social youth group - Ages 12-18 (if still in school)
When: Tuesday/Thursday weekly, 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading
VOICES Exeter:
(Vision, Opportunity, Inclusivity, Communication, Education, and Support Group): Educational/support & social youth group - Ages 12-18 (if still in school).
When: Monthly, Second Monday, 6 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: Reformation Lutheran Church
VOICES at Robesonia Library:
(Vision, Opportunity, Inclusivity, Communication, Education, and Support Group): Educational/support & social youth group - Ages 12-18 (if still in school). When: 2nd and 4th Monday monthly, 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Location: Robesonia Library
VOICES at Lebanon LGBT Center:
(Vision, Opportunity, Inclusivity, Communication, Education, and Support Group): Educational/support & social youth group - Ages 12-18 (if still in school).
When: Tuesdays 3:30pm
​Support Groups for 18+ Adults​
Safe Space - Survivors Support Group:
Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence Survivors Group for all identities
Ages 18+
When: Wednesdays, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading
Gender Expansive Possibilities:
Support and Social Group for Transgender/Gender Expansive/Non-Binary people
Ages 18+
When: Meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays monthly, 6:30 PM to 8 PM
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading
Rainbow Alliance:
A spiritual support group open to all belief systems.
Ages 18+
When: 4th Tuesdays monthly, 7 PM to 8 PM
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading
Social Groups for 18+ Adults
Gay Men's Support & Social Group:
This group serves as a place for gay and bisexual men to socialize and share important experiences to help promote a healthier environment for all gay men.
When: Every First Wednesday monthly, 7 PM
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading
50+ Group:
An LGBTQ+ Group for 50+ Adults
When: Meets the last Wednesday monthly, 6 PM
Location: Check Events Calendar or Facebook for where we're meeting
Trail Gayzers Hiking Group:
Open to all
When and Location: Changes Monthly.
Check the Trail Gayzers Page for details!
Gay-Mers Unite:
Adult Game Night!
Ages 18+
When: Meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays monthly, 6 PM to 8 PM
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading​
Book Club:
Ages 18+
3rd Wednesday, monthly
6:30 PM -7:30 PM
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading
Friday Film Club:
Love the Big Screen? Join us for our Film Club!
Ages 18+
When: Held monthly every third Friday from 5:30PM - 6:30PM.
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading
Friday Movie Night:
Ages 18+
When: Each third Friday, enjoy a movie at the LGBT Center! Food and drinks for sale!
Show starts at 6:30 pm
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading
Writing Group:
Open to all writers of any skill level!
Ages 18+
When: Meets the first Friday, monthly, 6 PM - 8 PM
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading
Third Thirsty Thursdays:
Join us for Berks County's Monthly LGBTQIA Happy Hour
Ages 21+
When: Every month on the third Thursday, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading
Meditation Mondays:
Join our instructor, Karen Glass, for an hour of meditation to center yourself for the week. The class is for beginners, experienced practitioners, and people of all ages. Everyone is welcome!
When: Mondays
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading
Queer Quest (Dungeons & Dragons)
Are you a lover of all things fantasy and theater? Join our tabletop game! Sign ups are required!
Age 18+
When: Every 4th Friday Monthly, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading
Community Programs
Warm Meal Wednesdays:
When: Each second Wednesday of the month from 5-7 PM.
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading​​
Farm Stand Program:
Farm Traveler, LLC will be onsite to sell delicious farm fresh produce:
August 18th, 11AM - 1PM
You can use EBT, SNAP, Farm Berks Farm Bucks, Venmo, Apple Pay, Cash, Card etc.
Stop by and bring your family and friends!
Location: LGBT Center of Greater Reading